Do I need special software or hardware to read eBooks?
All you need is your PC, laptop or hand held device and the free Reader software. We offer eBooks in three different formats: PDF download, EPUB download and Online Reader. Our Online Reader requires no software other than an internet browser. For downloading, we will provide you with a link to download the appropriate Reader software free of charge when you make a purchase.
Which format should I choose?
That depends on your Operating System and if you would like to read your ebooks on your PC or on a hand held device. For advice on selecting the correct format for your requirements. Also, a lot of our ebooks are available in more than one format, so once you have purchased the book you have access to all the available formats (as long as they are supported by your device). If you don’t like one format you can just try one of the others. For more information on the difference between formats check our formats guide.
Can I download eBooks on to my hand held device?
In most cases, yes. This does depend on which operating system your hand held device is running however, as different eBook formats are compatible with different operating systems. For detailed information on which eBook formats are compatible with your hand held device
Once I have purchased my ebook, will it always be available?
Yes, once you have purchased the ebook it is yours. The title is stored on your account and you can access it at any time by logging in with your username and password. Most formats allow you to download the title as many times as you like however, we do put a limit on the downloads to prevent abuse of the system. If you need to download your ebook again and you are receiving an error message indicating that you have used all of your licenses, please contact our support team who will be happy to reset this license for you.
How do I get help if I have a problem?
You will find vast amounts of advice and troubleshooting information in the Support Centre. Our troubleshooter page is interactive therefore, it will provide you with information that is customized to your specific problem and Reader format. If you are not able to find a solution to your problem in the Support Centre, please contact our support team who will be happy to assist you and, will always try to respond to your request within 24 hours.
What are the benefits of reading ebooks?
In most cases, ebooks are cheaper than paper books.
Instantly available worldwide – just download the ebook instead of waiting for mail or local release.
Full Text Search available – Search our entire database of ebooks for a specific phrase or keyword.
Convenient – imagine loading several novels and a few magazines onto a portable reading device before you go on holiday.
Quick to download – the average novel takes only 2-4 minutes.
You can build a whole library of digital books.
Users can do research and create or organize content.
ebook reading software is free and easy to download from the internet.
Can I download books I bought previously onto my iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch using your reader software?
Yes, you can import or download all previously purchased books onto your apple device using Ebook Reader if the books are available in EPUB or PDF format and are DRM free.
Will I be able to view my eBooks offline using the Ebook Reader for iOS and Android?
Yes. You just need to sync with your bookshelf and download the ebook the first time. Once the ebook is downloaded onto your device, you can read them offline anytime anywhere!
Why don’t you supply a telephone number for support? Rather than submit a support ticket, why can’t I call you? has thousands of customers a day from almost every country in the world. Although thankfully support is only required by the smallest fraction of our users, the support issues cover a wide range of subjects from DRM and licencing, sales and tax, browser issues, file issues, and device support for hundreds of different ebook readers.
As much as we would like to, it is impossible for us to supply phone support 24/7 that could cover all the needed expertise in all these areas. The support ticketing system is the most efficient way for us to track, manage, and answer your queries, that ensures you receive the help you require within a reasonable timeframe. We aim to answer all support queries within 24 hours.